  • Alpha linolenic acid has the effect

    Alpha linolenic acid has the effect


    Alpha linolenic acid has the effect of promoting the decomposition of body fat and may achieve a slimming body.

  • ​The highly unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E

    ​The highly unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E


    The highly unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E contained in horse oil can combat skin dryness, effectively repair skin problems such as itching, frostbite and scars along with enhancing immunity and resistance to skin diseases.

  • Horse oil is easily absorbed by human skin

    Horse oil is easily absorbed by human skin


    Horse oil is easily absorbed by human skin because of its ability to absorb high unsaturated fatty acid. It is rich in natural nutrients, especially its strong permeability, which can maintain the level of hydration retained by the skin, and at the same time, intensely moisturizes the skin and promotes metabolism.

  • Horse oil has been well known since ancient times.

    Horse oil has been well known since ancient times.


    Horse oil has been well known since ancient times. Its highly unsaturated fatty acids are easily absorbed by human skin and can improve skin problems such as dryness, chapping, frostbite and scars.